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From private individuals to building owners: Bouwbedrijf Joorse is happy to work for you

Whether as a private individual you are looking for a reliable construction company in Amsterdam for a renovation or refurbishment of your home, or as a building owner you are looking for a company that can sustainably maintain your property: at Bouwbedrijf Joorse we welcome you with open arms.

And looking forward to helping you.

We help you with inspiration, expertise and knowledge to assist you in your construction project. We are mainly talking about existing buildings. We are therefore specialized in renovation, rebuilding and maintenance. It is precisely by focusing on this and not focusing on new construction that we distinguish ourselves from other construction companies in Amsterdam.

Private home owners

Are you a private home owner and do you want to (thoroughly) renovate or rebuild your home? And that in a sustainable way? Then we have more than proven ourselves in recent years: we are sure that we are the right construction company for you.

If you already have a detailed plan ready and want a construction company for implementation, we will gladly take the work off your hands. Do you have some ideas, but not yet fully drawn up specifications? Then we are happy to think along about the details. And do you want to rebuild, renovate or do you need maintenance for your home, but are you not familiar with building? Then you can also contact Bouwbedrijf Joorse. Whether it is a modern home or a canal house: we have all the experience in-house.

VVE, investor, housing association or other owner of buildings

An apartment building, a row of houses, a commercial or retail property, a school or care institution: our employees have worked in many Amsterdam buildings over the past 40 years. From a small-scale refurbishment to a large-scale renovation: we ensure that your building is renovated in the agreed manner.

Read on the services page about what we can do for you.

In our overview of projects you can see an overview of recent construction work that we carried out.

Do you like what you see and read? Then contact us. We are also happy to work for you.